The Baby Lab

The Baby Lab is a laboratory equipped with cameras, monitors and portable computers to present visual and auditory stimuli to newborns and children and to record their visual behavior and other verbal and motor responses.

The facility may be used to record the eye movements of newborns and children with the Tobii eye-tracker. The equipment may also be used for monitoring children in kindergartens and schools.

At the lab a set of test for measuring verbal (both in Italian and German) and nonverbal intellectual levels are available.

The lab is located on the first floor of Palazzo Fedrigotti.

The Neurocognitive Development Lab

The Neurocognitive Development Lab is a versatile facility for different experimental settings. It is mainly used to present visual and auditory stimuli to newborns and children, and to record their visual behavior or other verbal and motor responses.

The lab is located on the ground floor of Palazzo Fedrigotti for easy access for children and parents.

Coordinator: Luca Surian


Inside of Baby Lab: two desks with some PCs and a place for babies with a baby seat, a gym mat and a monitorInside of the Baby Lab: a baby sitting in front of a desk on which there are a teddy bear and two screens.Neurocognitive Lab: a baby sitting on his mother's lap is looking at an image on a screen.Neurocognitive Lab: a baby sitting on his mother's lap is running an experiment in front of two screens.