Directed by Professors Massimo Stella and Luigi Lombardi, CogNosco Lab is part of the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science of the University of Trento and it is physically hosted in the QPSY Laboratory, Room C107, 1st Floor, Palazzo Fedrigotti, Rovereto.
CogNosco Lab focuses on next-generation models for understanding psychological phenomena and cognitive mechanisms through unique, cutting-edge and innovative frameworks spanning mathematical psychology, cognitive data science and complex systems theory.
CogNosco Lab designs models dealing with psychological phenomena through quantitative techniques, including cognitive network science, network psychometrics, human-centered artificial intelligence (AI), Bayesian inference and categorical data estimations. In addition to achieving models endowed with computational power and mathematical elegance, we strive to produce data-informed insights based on psychological theories and enable further explorations, validations, interpretations and understanding of psychological phenomena.
Our signature models include the framework of multilayer cognitive networks for modelling language acquisition and clinical impairments, forma mentis networks for knowledge modelling and text analysis, network-based AI psychometrics for detecting emotional distress/creativity levels and personality traits from social media and fluency data, and Bayesian model for detecting cheating and academic fraud.
If interested in collaborating with our group, please get in touch via email!
Massimo Stella (Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science)
Luigi Lombardi (Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science)