Educational technology is an interdisciplinary field of study, which focuses on facilitating learning and improving teaching practices by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. Moreover, it emphasizes the need of providing corresponding training to educators in order to promote technology enhanced learning.
Within the broader field of educational technologies, the research that we aim to conduct is mainly focused on the pedagogy and pedagogical practices with technologies or within digital environments. Moreover, it spots learning and teaching in the higher education and lifelong learning. In fact, a primary assumption for our research group is that nowadays technology should be a service normally embedded within the educational environment. However, we point out that its introduction within the educational environment has enormous consequences from the point of view of the educational design, the learning processes and their impact (just as examples: eLearning, MOOC, OERs, mobile learning, etc.).
Moreover, educational technologies introduce new and unexplored challenges for all levels of education, but these challenges acquire a particular configuration in the field of higher education.
For the reasons exposed above, our research is focused on the field of design for learning in higher education, as well as higher education quality (not only quality assurance, but mainly quality improvement), with the mediation of educational technologies.
Research directions
- quality of eLearning and open education in higher education;
- quality of education in large classes;
- eLearning, MOOC- Massive Open Online Courses, OER-Open Educational Resources;
- design for learning;
- effectiveness of multimedia and interactive media for education and communication;
- methods and techniques for flexible and distance education;
- online learning communities;
- learning technologies in higher education;
- communities of practices and continuing health education;
- multimedia for museums and libraries;
- the implications of constructivism for educational design involving technologies;
- eResearch;
- methodologies for qualitative research.
Internal collaborations
Luisa Canal, associate professor
Maria Micaela Coppola, associate professor
Sara Dellantonio, researcher
Rocco Micciolo, full professor
External collaborations
Juliana Raffaghelli, University of Florence
Diana Laurillard, University of London
Albert Sangra, UOC-Universitad Obierta de Catalunia
Maurizio Zani, Politecnic of Milan
Susanna Sancassani, Politecnic of Milan
Massimiliano Tarozzi, University of Bologna
Selected publications
Scientific articles (selected):
- Ghislandi, P. M. M. (2016). Qualità della didattica accademica ai tempi dell’open education. In RUI, Marina, MESSINA, Laura, MINERVA Tommaso (Ed.), Teach D ifferent! PROCEEDINGS DELLA MULTICONFERENZA EMEMITALIA2015 (pp. 32–37). Genova: Genova University Press ISBN: 978-88-97752-60-8.
- Ghislandi P. M. M. (2016), “The fun they had” or about the quality of MOOC, Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, v.12, n.3, 99-114. ISSN: 1826-6223, e-ISSN:1971-8829
- Patrizia M. M. Ghislandi, Juliana E. Raffaghelli, (2015), Forward-oriented designing for learning as a means to achieve educational quality, “British Journal of Educational Technology”, pp.: 280-299 Vol 46 Issue 2, Special Issue: Teacher-led Inquiry and Learning Design
- Patrizia M. M. Ghislandi (2015), Di nani e di giganti. Open access: aprire la Ricerca, aprire la Didattica, in Falcinelli Floriana, Minerva Tommaso, Rivoltella Pier Cesare (a cura di), “Apertura e flessibilità nell’istruzione superiore: oltre l’e-learning?”, atti del convegno Sirem (Società Italiana di Ricerca sull’Educazione Mediale)/Sie-L (Società Italiana e-Learning), Perugia 13-15 Novembre 2014, Reggio Emilia: Sie-L Editore
- Canal Luisa, Patrizia Ghislandi, Rocco Micciolo, (2015), Pattern of Accesses Over Time in an Online Asynchronous Forum and Academic Achievements, “British Journal of Educational Technology”, pp.: 619-628. Vol 46, N°3 2015
- Patrizia M. M. Ghislandi (2015), A tale about Zen philosophy and a motorcycle. (that is: OER & MOOC quality), REM - Research on Education and Media”, numero monografico su Openness and flexibility in higher education, Volume 7, Issue 1 , June 2015, ISSN: 2037-0830 (print until 2014), ISSN: 2037-0849 (on line), Warsaw:De Gruyter
- Patrizia Ghislandi, Juliana Raffaghelli, (2014), Quality teaching matters: perspectives on quality teaching for the modernization of higher education. A position paper, Importanza della qualità dell’insegnamento per la modernizzazione della formazione universitaria. Un position paper, Formazione & Insegnamento, European Journal of Research on Education and Teaching, numero monografico su “Scholarship of Teaching and Learning per una didattica universitaria di qualità”, Anno XII (2014), Numero 1, Codice ISSN 1973-4778 (print) • ISSN 2279-7505 (on line), Lecce: Pensa Multimedia, pp.57-86
- Patrizia Ghislandi, (2014), Quality teaching by design for learning ... or about Brunelleschi’s egg, Qualità dell’insegnamento e progetto per apprendere.... o dell’uovo di Brunelleschi, Formazione & Insegnamento, European Journal of Research on Education and Teaching, numero monografico su “Scholarship of Teaching and Leraning per una didattica universitaria di qualità”, Anno XII (2014), Numero 1, Codice ISSN 1973-4778 (print) • ISSN 2279-7505 (on line), Lecce: Pensa Multimedia, pp. 197-210
- Patrizia Maria Margherita Ghislandi, Juliana Elisa Raffaghelli (2014), Il maharaja, l’elefante e la qualità dell’(e)Learning, Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS), n.10 (2014) Special issue on Digital Didactics, pp. 48-81, Milano: LED Edizioni Universitarie
- Ghislandi, P. (a cura di) (2012). eLearning: theories, design, software, applications, Rijeka: InTech
- Ghislandi, P. (a cura di) (2011). Comunità di pratica per l'educazione continua in sanità. Contributo al dibattito. Trento: Edizioni Erickson
- Ghislandi P. (a cura di), (2007), Towards eUniversity. Contributions for innovative teaching/learning in higher education, Editrice Università degli Studi di Trento, Trento
- Ghislandi, P. (2005). Didattiche per l'università. Trento: Università di Trento, ISBN 88-8443-111-5, pp. 306
In the last 15 years:
- PRIN (Research Project of National Interest) ---15 October 2011- 15 October 2013-- Project "Evaluation for the improvement of education contexts: a research involving university and local communities in the participatory development of innovative assessment models", prot. 20094E7SMX_004—Trento’s topic: Partecipatory evaluation culture in higher education (e)Learning – Local coordinator: Patrizia Ghislandi--principal investigator: Luigina Mortari, Università di Verona
- FIRB- Fondo per gli Investimenti della Ricerca di Base, 11 June 2009-11 June 2012, Project "Net@ccessible: teaching-learning for one and all in a lifelong plan", Prot.: RBNE07WBKL_004 FIRB
- PRIN--2007 --Project "Learning community for higher education in open source environment" -- prot. 2006111870_002
- PRIN- (Research Project of National Interest) -- years 2003-2005 --COFIN 03 "eLearning in higher education. Criteria for quality in teaching/learning models. Principal investigator: Prof. Nicola Paparella—Research Unit Trento-Milano Cattolica-Perugia-Sassari coordinator: Prof.a Patrizia Ghislandi, eU-eUniversity, Le Tecnologie dell’informazione e della Comunicazione - come fattore di mutamento nelle università italiane-- prot. 2003114525_005
Further information can be found at the following webpages: